My Name Is Lexi, and I Fail At Updates..

~ I recently got a twenty something cent raise. Something for me to be excited about.
… and I say “twenty something” because the raise takes in effect this paycheck and I can’t get it till tomorrow.

~ Time to stop being a twenty two year old pedestrian bumming for rides all the time and start taking action. I’m currently in the process of getting my license to drive. I took my first permit test yesterday (and failed miserably because sucks), so hopefully there is a light at the end for me just this once.

~ The biggest news of all: I’m officially moving.
Here’s this thing: So Kyle’s been up for a GM spot where he works, and there just so happens to be a new store up for grabs… in Roseville. Once I get my license, I’ll either be transferring to the store in Sacramento or Roseville in the beginning of next year.

Which, yes – you guessed it, I’m leaving Stockton.

It’s bittersweet, to be honest. I’m happy to leave this terrible of a so called “town”, but it also has me leaving everyone behind. Even farther than I would imagine. Life’s a journey; might as well make that first step.

Wish me luck on my upcoming of a new chapter. I’m already nervous enough, but I know this is happening for a reason. I can’t wait for the outcome, good or bad. I’m ready for the next challenge. Bring it on.

… time to continue packing. The worst.

One thought on “My Name Is Lexi, and I Fail At Updates..

  1. Ahhh! I’m so excited for you! Hopefully this will be the best experience of your life! And that all things will finally come together once and for all! I wish you the freakin best Lexi! Good luck out there!

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